Dental Laminate Veneers (E-Max)
Dental Laminate Veneers (E-Max)
Dental laminate veneers (E-Max) are a thin layer of porcelain that is installed after a low rate of cutting and cleaning process to the tooth surface. In this way, an aesthetic smile is created with a thin layer of porcelain without losing tooth tissue.
What is E-Max veneer?
During the application of the E-Max veneers, special ceramics are used to give patients a natural-looking smile. Unlike other dental restoration materials, IPS E-Max is a ceramic material that combines strength and beauty, all-ceramic dental restoration do not contain any metal. So light can shine through them, as in natural teeth.
• high aesthetic and natural appearance,
• long-lasting quality,
• variety of colors,
• Compatibility with the human body.
In what cases is E-max veneers applied?
Yellow Teeth: Say goodbye to your yellow teeth with the E-Max veneers. Since E-Max veneers are transparent and highly resistant to breakage and bending, they provide you with new teeth with excellent aesthetics in place of your existing teeth.
Curved Teeth: E-Max is a preferred treatment type for restoring the structure and shape of crooked teeth, especially for the frontal area. It gives optimum aesthetic results while designing smile aesthetics in the frontal area.
Teeth treated with a root canal: Teeth treated with a root canal tend to be fragile. E-Max veneers are a good option for repairing weak teeth that have undergone root canal treatment and have a fragile structure, in addition to the aesthetic perfection they provide.
Broken Teeth: Teeth broken due to tooth decay or severe trauma can also be treated with E-Max dental veneers.
Reasons to prefer E-max dental veneers:
E-Max dental veneers are particularly preferred for front teeth. It ranks first among veneers applied to improve dental aesthetics.
The all-ceramic E max dental veneers, which provide a perfect harmony with other teeth, are used as the closest material to natural teeth in terms of aesthetic light reflection. Even in different light sources, it looks similar to a natural tooth.
In the application of E Max dental veneers, there is no metallic core structure in the material. This represents a solution to the gray color of the metal in other types of crowns, which interacts with the gums, and thus a more perfect natural appearance can be obtained. This feature is also enjoyed by dental crowns made of zirconium.
The E-Max shell is glass-ceramic. This material has sufficient resistance to withstand chewing forces. Crowns made of lithium disilicate shells are resistant to chewing forces, and after its application it can be used without causing any problem.
Veneer is produced by CAD CAM milling system. It is produced using a high-quality homogeneous mass of lithium.
Since the material can be applied very thinly, it allows less cutting to the teeth, and as a result the teeth are less sensitive. Although the material used is thin, its durability is high.